☮️ Build 🏄🏻‍♀️ boards 🏄🏻 not 🏄🏻‍♂️ bombs ☮️

☮️ Build 🏄🏻‍♀️ boards 🏄🏻 not 🏄🏻‍♂️ bombs ☮️

BA Viskom Home Alone
A Collection of 📚 + ▶️ + 🎵 to Enjoy While Being 🏠 Alone.
pdf ×
14.05.2020, 14:30

Who’s the master of suspense? Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, of course. But he also was and I guess still is the undisputed champion of form. That’s a widespread opinion, one which was shared by a young François Truffaut, who visited his hero in order to interview and question him for roughly 50 hours about the mechanisms and design inventions behind his 50 feature films. It’s such an amazing document, download below and read asap!
⬇️ hitchcock-truffaut.pdf

11.05.2020, 09:50

It’s been eight weeks. Our libraries finally open today but at the same time we’re still supposed to stay home as much as we can. What to do? Dig into the vast archives of online libraries such as Monoskop, a wiki for the arts, media and humanities. Why not start with a Frutiger-classic that is otherwise not so easy to come by? Type Sign Symbol is a document that explores the whole bandwidth of this exceptional designer, both in terms of his thinking and his work. A chapter on Optical Character Recognition OCR is followed by applied work at international airports, which then is followed by Christianity-inspired esoteric works, intended for murals in sacral spaces. Also, in case you wondered where Laurenz Brunner’s symbol for Source Type stems from? Yes, exactly from that book.
👀 Read Type Sign Symbol here

05.05.2020, 10:15

The one pharmaceutic company that will come up with a 🦠 COVID-19 💉vaccine will hit the jackpot. From a design perspective, affairs in the pharmaceutical industry 🏭 have been more interesting in the last century. Corporate Diversity, Schweizer 🇨🇭 Grafik und Werbung für Geigy™ 1940 – 1970 shows a fascinating exchange between Basel designers and teachers such as Emil Ruder and Armin Hofmann, the Basel School of Design and the then pharmaceutical global player Geigy™. Since libraries 📚 will still be closed for a week, please help yourself with a scan of this amazing book (for pedagogical purposes only).
👀 corporate-diversity.pdf

15.04.2020, 13:40

A 📕 is a 📕 and a PDF is a PDF. Each format has its advantages and disadvantages, but something particularly handy about PDFs is of course that they can travel through space much faster than a printed and bound pile of paper. French publisher One ⭐️ Star ⭐️ Press has made all their artist publications downloadable for free. Why not dive into their vast catalogue (from Marina Abramović to Heimo Zobernig) by downloading the publication Modern Typefaces by Parisian graphic design studio Vier5 aka. the Kings of Quirk.
⬇️ Download Modern Typefaces here
⬇️ Download everything else here